Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dinner with Daddy

When I was a little girl my parents would split me and my sister up on the weekends and they would take turns taking us on "dates." I would wait and wait and wait all week for the weekend and I would be so excited to date either my mom or my dad. Each time my dad and I would go out we would go eat our FAVORITE little Mexican Food dive. He would open my car door, pull out my chair and teach me how a lady needed to be treated. It was the BEST!!! I love the memories I have of going on dates with my parents. My dad has taught he so much over the years about loving and being loved, he has taught me about loving the Lord and loving myself. He is an AMAZING man. The best father, an incredible husband to my mom, a WONDERFUL son to his mother, and he will be THE BEST GRANDFATHER IN THE WORLD to mine and Jake's children!!! I cant wait to watch him with our kids. In the mean time my sweet daddy called me yesterday morning while I was at work and he asked me if he could take me to dinner. Jacob is out of town on business and my mom was having dinner with some friends from highschool. I of course said yes!! I never turn done a free meal :) But it was so much more than that!!! He picked me up from my house and took me to Abuelos where we ate and talked ALL night!!! We left at like 9:30 at night!! It was so good to catch up, just me and my daddy!! I am so blessed to have my family here close to me and I will NEVER move away from them (unless of course the Lord calls us somewhere which case I hope to come home and raise my family here--never say never...ha!) I am so thankful for the relationship I have with them and the bond between us. My parents are my heroes and my friends. They are people I confide in and love more than I ever knew I could. I am so thankful for the person they raised me to be and I look up to them both so much. I hope I will be half of the wife and mother that my mom is and I have prayed for my soon to be husband to be like my dad in the way he loves my mom and he loves the Lord, and in his work ethic, etc! God answered my prayers!!! Jacob is going to be a great hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

ANYWAYS enough sappy stuff here a pic of me and my sweet dad at Abuelos last night!! A little off centered but sweet all the same!
Thanks dad! Your the best!! Love you

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